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genealogy of true love

Some people think that if someone wants to know their partners must keep close track through courtship. We also find it strange why to say that this way is the only way to get to know the couple. Brother, if we examine, dating form must not be separated from these matters.
First: Dating is the road to adultery
Whose name is dating is the way to adultery and it is real. Initially it may just do the talking on the phone, sms, or chat. But the ocean would make a pact later date. Then over time can be mired in a relationship that goes beyond the limits like husband and wife. So many children are attending schools that have experienced this kind of info that may be as many we've heard in various media. So it is true, Allah Almighty warned us not to close to adultery. Approached with a variety of roads alone is not permissible, especially when it comes to adultery. Hopefully we can contemplate the noble verse,
ولا تقربوا الزنا إنه كان فاحشة وساء سبيلا
"And come not nigh to fornication; fact that adultery is a heinous act. And an evil way. "(Surah Al Isro ': 32). Syaukanirahimahullah Ash explains, "God forbid close to adultery. Therefore, the mere smell of the opposite sex are automatically banned. Because all the way to something that is haram, then the road will also be unlawful. That is what is meant by this paragraph.
Next, we'll show you some of the road to adultery is no possible escape from courtship activity.
Second: Dating violate God's command to subdue the view
Padahall Allah Ta'ala commanded in his word,
قل للمؤمنين يغضوا من أبصارهم ويحفظوا فروجهم ذلك أزكى لهم إن الله خبير بما يصنعون
"Say to the believing men:" Let them hold the consideration to, and maintain his cock; that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is Aware of what they do '. "(Surah An Nur: 30). In this verse, Allah commanded the believing men to lower his gaze from forbidden things is women who are not mahram. But when he accidentally saw a woman who is not mahram, then let him turn his eyes immediately. Of Jarir bin Abdillah, he said,
سألت رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - عن نظر الفجاءة فأمرنى أن أصرف بصرى.
"I asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about the view that only briefly (not intentionally). Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam commanded me that I immediately turned my gaze.
Third: Dating often two-pair (berkholwat)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
ألا لا يخلون رجل بامرأة لا تحل له, فإن ثالثهما الشيطان, إلا محرم
"Let not a man alone with a woman who is not lawful for him because it is indeed Satan can chase a third person in between the two of them together unless mahromnya. Two by a pair (kholwat) is prohibited here is not necessarily a two-Duan in loneliness in one place, but can also form via text message (sms), through the words of affection via chat and more. As this includes semi kholwat also forbidden because it could also be a way to something that is forbidden (ie adultery).
Fourth: In courtship, the hands commit adultery
Zina's hand is touching the opposite sex who is not mahram, so this shows illegitimate. From Abu Hurayrah, Rasulullahshallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
كتب على ابن آدم نصيبه من الزنى مدرك ذلك لا محالة فالعينان زناهما النظر والأذنان زناهما الاستماع واللسان زناه الكلام واليد زناها البطش والرجل زناها الخطا والقلب يهوى ويتمنى ويصدق ذلك الفرج ويكذبه
"Every son of Adam had been destined for the adultery and this one is definitely happening, can not help. Zina's eyes is to look at. Zina both ears to hear. Zina was spoken by talking. Zina's hand is touching (touching). Zina is a stepping foot. Adultery and the heart is the desire to daydream. Then kemaluanlah which would later confirm or deny the case.
This is a violation when the two couples making love through courtship. Is there a form of courtship survivors of the things above? So from here, what might be said halal dating? And how could there be said Islamic courtship when the above violations were found? If we dare say there are Islamic courtship, then should we dare say there are Islamic adultery, gambling, Islamic, Islamic wine, and so on.
Married, making love for the Best Solution
The best solution for those who like making love is to get married. Nabishallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam once said,
«لم نر للمتحابين مثل النكاح»
"We never know the solution for two people who loved each other such as marriage.
This is the best way for people who can get married. But remember, the condition is capable of that has been able to provide for the family. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
يا معشر الشباب من استطاع منكم الباءة فليتزوج فإنه أغض للبصر وأحصن للفرج ومن لم يستطع فعليه بالصوم فإنه له وجاء
"O youth, whoever has a boo-ah, then marry. Because it would lower his gaze more and more to keep the pubic. Any person who is not capable, then fasted for fasting was like medicine for her restraint. The meaning of baa-ah in this hadith may jima 'is capable of having intercourse. Most of the other scholars say that the definition has baa-ah is able to provide a living. Yahya bin Syarf An Nawawirahimahullahh said that the two meanings had the ability to give back to the meaning of living. That is more appropriate.
This is the best solution for people who will be making love. Not even by way of unlawful and wrong. Remember, that longing in the he coveted the disease. The cure of course is not coupled with another disease. The cure is to get married if they can afford. Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullahmengatakan, "Behold the drug for people who love each other is the union of two beings in the marriage." [9]
For the drug in love
Here are some drugs for people who are in love but have not been able to get married.
First: Trying sincere in worship.
If someone is really sincere exposes himself to God, then God will help him from the long illness in a way that had never previously conceived in the liver. The love of God and delights in the worship of love-love will defeat the other. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said, "Indeed, if the heart has felt the sweetness of Allah and sincere worship of Him, surely he would not find other things more sweet, more beautiful, more delicious and better than God. Humans are not going to leave something he loved, but after obtaining another lover who is more loved. Or because of something that is feared. Bad love will be eliminated with good love. Or afraid of what harm it. "
Second: Many pleading to God
When someone is in the narrowness and he meant it in prayer, felt the need to Allah, Allah will grant your prayers. Including an appeal to God that someone is released from the disease that was missed and in love tearing up the heart. Disease that caused him despondent, sad and miserable. Remember, Allah Ta'ala says,
وقال ربكم ادعوني أستجب لكم
"And Rabbmu said:" Pray to Me, I will answer thee. "(Surat al-Mu'min: 60)
Third: Diligent memenej views
Repeated views are the biggest lighter to light the fire burned up the fire with longing. People who looked at by passing rarely get a sense of infatuation. But the outlook Repeat over and over that is the source of destruction. Therefore, we are commanded to lower his gaze to the liver is maintained. Look at the letter of An Nur verse 30 we have mentioned earlier. Mujahid said, "Subduing the views of various things which are forbidden by Allah will foster a love of God."
The fourth: More actively concern themselves
In this situation a person is usually empty activity is easier to chestnut think he loved people. In an extraordinary rush of thoughts is easy to just disappear. Ibn al-Qayyim has mentioned the advice of a Sufi who directed the Imam ash-Shafi'i. He said, "If you are not distracted by things that are good (haq), would be distracted by things that are in vain (vanity)."
Fifth: Stay away from music and movies romance
Singing and romance films had a big hand to stir up longing for a loved one. Especially if the song is packed with blue confuse, lilting will certainly thrill the person being overwritten longing. As a result, her heightened sense of longing, a variety of deviant fantasy was conceived in the hearts and minds. If so, it's worth it if the song and spectacle like this and generally abandoned. For safety and clarity of heart. So that was expressed by some scholars are singing incantations adultery.
Ibn Mas'ud said, "Song of hypocrisy in the liver can regenerate, as water can grow vegetables." Fudhail bin 'Iyadh says, "Song of the spells in adultery." Adh Dhohak said, "The song will break your heart and will bring the wrath of God

cinta bukan penyakit atau bencana

Love is not a disease, but carry the disease, go to the disaster but always bring disaster to mankind. Because it is a life form of love, then love is also the cause of death. Although love to bring peace, but it also poses difficulties. Love always burning passion of lovers and beloved objects

menilai diri sendiri

Seorang yang sempurna ialah
yang bisa dihitung kesalahan-kesalahan dirinya.
Sudahkah setiap pagi atau malam Anda menulis
kesalahan-kesalahan Anda dibuku agenda dosa.?


Siapa yang mencintai sesuatu,ia akan banyak mengingatnya.
Orang yang mengaku mencintai Tuhannya tentu akan banyak
menyebut dan mengingatn-Nya,baik di kala lapang maupun sempit.
